Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Benefits of grape seeds and apples


Sebenarnya, aku sedang bersiap-siap untuk melakukan senaman rutin harianku iaitu berjogging dan brisk walking. Sebelum berlari, biasalah kita perlu membuat stretching terlebih dahulu untuk mengurangkan risiko kecederaan semasa berjogging nanti.

Semasa sibuk membuat stretching tadi, aku teringat untuk berkongsi dengan anda tentang khasiat dan kebaikan 2 jenis buah iaitu apple dan grape (anggur). Aku stop stretching, capai lappy aku dan release artikel ini. Aku biarkan sahaja penerangan tentang khasiat-khasiat buah-buah tersebut di dalam bahasa Inggeris kerana banyak terminology yang merujuk kepada jenis-jenis penyakit adalah di dalam bahasa Inggeris.

Benefits of eating apples

It is said that “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. This is said because of the benefits people derive from apples. Some of the important health benefits of apples are as follows:
  1. Eating apples help in strengthening the bones. It also increases the bone intensity.
  2. Drinking apple juice helps in controlling asthma or wheezing problem among children.
  3. Apples aid in preventing Alzheimer disease. It’s a kind of disease that affects brain cells.
  4. People eating 2 apples a day can lower their bad cholesterol range.
  5. Research studies show that apple has the capability of preventing lung cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer and breast cancer.
  6. Apples facilitate in managing diabetes and to reduce excess weight if taken regularly.

Benefits of grape seeds

Research shows that grape seed extract is useful in preventing or treating many diseases.

  1. Proanthocyanidin in grape seed extract curbs the oxidation of LDL bad cholesterol), which in turn prevents cardiovascular diseases.
  2. It also prevents aggregation of platelets to form clots, which causes stroke.
  3. Antioxidants in grape seed extract fight high blood pressure by protecting the blood vessels from damage and also by acting as a muscle relaxant.
  4. It is good for healthy functioning of the brain, skin and eyes.
  5. Proanthocyanidin helps to protect the skin from the ultraviolet rays of the sun and also prevents premature aging.
  6. It makes the capillaries and veins stronger, thereby promoting the health of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Grape seed extract is said to be useful in preventing the growth of cancer cells in breast, stomach, colon, prostate, and lungs.
  8. It also helps in the healing of wounds.
  9. The anti-virus property of the grape seed extract can help in inhibiting HIV virus replication.
  10. It prevents the growth of bacteria, which cause tooth decay.
  11. It also helps in increasing the bone density, thereby curbing the chances of contracting osteoporosis.

Perlu juga aku tekankan di sini bahawa, khasiat anggur (grape) banyak di bahagian bijinya. Tetapi, kebiasaannya kita suka benar membuang biji-biji anggur tersebut. Malahan, bila kita ingin membeli anggur, selalunya kita minta atau cari jenis anggur yang tiada biji. So, selepas membaca artikel ini, marilah kita makan anggur dengan mengunyah dan menelan biji-bijinya sekali. Apabila membeli anggur, carilah yang paling banyak bijinya...hehehe.

Opppss...aku dah lewat untuk berjogging ni!
Terpaksa mengulang kembali stretching sebelum berlari...

Jom bersenam!


5 Responses so far.

  1. Adoi ai!...Penat aku stretching, hujan lebat la pulak!

  2. Salam Cik Nin...thanx sudi komen.. Cute? Tu baru kucing jer, belum tuannya lg..huahuahua

  3. nice info.....nambah pengetahuan....salam

  4. Salam Mimpi Okkanz...thanx sudi komen. Harap njoy reading

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