Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How to succeed in Internet Business?


Aku terpanggil untuk menulis tentang topik ini setelah membaca komen pelawat blog milik blogger Remedy tentang trafik (pentingkah pelawat-pelawat?).

Sebelum itu aku ada juga menerima komen-komen yang bersangkut paut tentang trafik di blog lama aku.

Aku juga menerima beberapa komen dan e-mail yang lebih spesifik yang bertanyakan tentang Internet Business. Ada yang meminta aku memberikan beberapa nasihat bagaimana untuk menjadi Internet Marketeer yang berjaya.

Aku paparkan di sini sebahagian dari isi suatu e-mail yang aku telah terima:

Abang Long,

I have been doing Internet business for quite sometimes (1 year plus - to be exact). I envy most of Internet marketeers who could earn thousands of dollars every month. However, to date, I have yet to enjoy any benefit from this business.

I should assume that it’s a total failure to me.

Kindly advise.

Aku jawab e-mail tersebut dengan panjang lebar. Sila baca:

Dear Catherinne,

Some people says, the scope of Internet Business is very wide. Everybody can succeed in such a business because the market covers the whole area of the world as long as there is an “Internet Connection”.

That’s just exaggerating.

My advice is “don’t be so anxious looking or reading other people’s successful stories” that you believe you too could be able to achieve the same.

Do I mean we should not read such stories?

Absolutely not at all. We could use them as the elements of motivation to ourselves and become successful like them. However, do not be influenced by them 100%.

Most of the time we failed because we did not do things that we like most. Just because many people have succeeded in doing “a thing”, we assume that we would be successful for doing the “same thing” . 

That's totally wrong!

I’ve experienced this during my initial stage venturing into the Internet Business. I’ve tried “Google Adsense”, become products’ affiliates and even participated in the “PPV or PPC” (Pay per view or Pay per Click). The success seemed too far to be true. In fact, I’ve spent too much time with “PPC”, clicking and looking at other people's websites and advertisements but the result was “YOU’VE BEEN SCAMMED!“.

Then, I was lucky being advised by my old time friend to become a "freelance consultant" for the Cash Management Business. That’s it. Since I have vast experiences in Cash Operations and am no problem with public speaking, managing seminars on Cash Management business is just a “fun”. I’ve earned pretty good income from there.

So, can you succeed in Internet Business?

Well, it depends on some beneficial factors as follows:

Know your strength

Do something that you really know and you like most. This will definitely reduce your learning time and expedite gaining the income.

If you are the inventor of a product, it does not mean that you will succeed in selling that product if you do not know how to market it. Concentrate on creating the product and let other people who is well versed with marketing to sell it for you. Whereas, if you do not have any product or service to offer but you have the skills doing products marketing, then be a sales agent of products affiliate.

If you have the knowledge to do a lot of things, evaluate your own knowledge and select the one that you like most. If you do not know what to select, find a friend who could give you the required advice.

Keep focus

Having multiple services or products to sell is good but it could be devastating if you do not know how to manage them. Instead, It is better to have a single product and you are all out to sell it. It’s the same for getting income from the Internet. Do not feel too excited trying to do a lot of things at any one time.

When I started this business quite sometimes ago, I had bought quite a number of e-books on how to generate income from the Internet. I have e-books on eBAY, Clickbank, Adsense and how to become a successful affiliates. Too excited to generate income as soon as possible, I had practiced all those in a single time and the result was “FAILED“. Then, I restarted by focusing on a single item (try to guess what was it...hehehe) and it worked.

Only after I enjoyed getting income from the single item, I started with the rest gradually but definitely not simultaneously.

Know and understand the methodology

Promotion is vital for you to sell your product but if promotion was done via SPAM, not only you create uneasiness to people that you want to promote but you might also be banned!

Learn how to do things correctly and this is where those e-books are important.

Be patience

Do not expect to earn thousands of dollars in a single day when you've just started the business. It’s OK to earn one dollar in a week and the amount gradually increases each day rather than to earn nothing or even lose your capital.

Lastly, do not stop learning

Remember this “do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning do not stop learning"...hehehe.

Bagaimana jawapan aku tersebut? Tidak faham? Sila gunakan translator kalau anda ada masalah di dalam bahasa Inggeris...hehehe.

Aku ingin jelaskan bahawa aku bukanlah Internet Marketeer yang berjaya ataupun "Sifu" yang pakar memberi tunjuk ajar bagaimana ingin menjadi Internet Marketeer yang berjaya. Aku hanyalah insan biasa yang menggunakan internet untuk menimba dan berkongsi ilmu dengan melawat website-website dan berblogging.

Aku juga tertarik dengan rakan-rakan blogger yang begitu seronok untuk mengutip hasil klik iklan-iklan di blog mereka. Baguslah, tetapi jangan pula berfikir akan menjadi kaya dengan cara begitu...hehehe.

Aku pernah membuat pengiraan berapakah wang yang aku akan dapat jika pelawat-pelawat blog aku klik iklan-iklan yang terdapat di situ.

Katakan, jumlah komisen ialah 3 sen untuk 1 klik. Pelawat yang datang sehari ialah 1,000 dan out of 1,000 itu cuma 10% yang sudi klik iklan. Bermakna, aku akan mendapat $3 sehari...hmmmm...bila la aku akan jadi kaya?..hehehe.

Apa kata kalau aku paksa semua pelawat (1,000) untuk klik iklan aku? Aku akan mendapat $30...ok juga kan? Kalau setahun, aku akan mendapat $10,950!. Boleh tahan. Masalahnya, bolehkah aku memaksa pelawat-pelawat blog aku untuk klik iklan-iklan (berlawanan dengan Google rules). Yang lebih berat lagi, bolehkah aku mendapat 1,000 pelawat sehari?.

Aku rasa itu mustahil. Jadi, cara yang terbaik ialah membina blog yang banyak iaitu sekurang-kurangnya 100 buah blog! jika setiap satu blog hanya ada 10 pengunjung sehari, maka, secara total anda telah mendapat 1,000 pelawat sehari. Sanggupkah anda membina dan maintain 100 buah blog?

Kalau anda tidak sanggup, jadilah macam aku yang berblogging bukan untuk menjadi kaya...hehehe.

Jika anda sanggup pula, aku cadangkan anda menjadi product affiliates di mana penjual-penjual produk akan menyediakan landing page (product page dan bukannya blog) untuk anda.

Ramai Internet Marketeer membuat duit dengan cara-cara begini.

Walaubagaimanapun, sebelum anda bermula dan bercita-cita menjadi seorang product affiliate yang berjaya, tanamkan ilmu di dada dengan membaca e-book yang berkaitan dengannya terlebih dahulu.

OK. Itu sahaja post kali ini. Aku harap informasi yang aku coretkan dapat memberikan manafaat kepada anda walaupun tidaklah sebagus mana atau mungkin banyak kekurangannya.


6 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    nak berjaya mmg kena berani try n error kan abg long!

  2. Uruchimaru, boleh trial and error tetapi kena pastikan error tu tidak bermaksud kehilangan duit. Banyakkan membaca untuk menambah ilmu sebelum mencuba sesuatu yang baru.

  3. Unknown says:

    kakyong berblog utk catatan jurnal anak2.. samping dpt kawan yg sealiran khususnya kaum ibu.. kalo dpt trafik byk itu bonus..,.. bila ranking akexa UP juga 1 bonus...

    penah try affeliate tu.. tp x leh nak fokus lah.. sbb kakyong pun ade kerja lain yg lebih utama.. so malas dah nak campur bab buat duit di internet nih...

  4. Kakyong, thanx for commenting.
    Bunyi cam kakyong dah pernah frust dgn make money online nih jer..hehehe.
    Well, since kakyong dah ada something yg lebih utama then just focus on that. Jgn sampai yang dikejar xdpt yg dikendong pula berciciran..

  5. maisyah says:

    Ya..betul ni apa yang Abang Long nasihatkan. Saya berblog sebab promo kepada ahli2 saya,tapi oleh kerana saya suka membaca dan menulis so saya post juga entry yang lain iaitu pelbagai cerita asalkan saya suka dan ada masa la. Pasal iklan2 juga suka2, kalau BZ memang saya tinggalla blog dalam seminggu gitu..xla risau ada earning ka x..tapi seronokla coz ramai kawan yang bermurah hati mengajar kita.. ;P

  6. Salam Maisyah, thanx sudi komen. Sekiranya kita berbloging untuk suka2 dan mengisi masa lapang tanpa ada tujuan spesifik untuk menjana duit melaluinya, kita tidak akan merasa tension malah kita akan seronok berblogging. Kalau dapat duit darinya, itu dikira rezeki. Jangan terlalu berharap atau taksub untuk mendapat duit dari blog, takut nanti kita akan kecewa.

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